I work in the book editing industry, and let me tell you, writing a book is really hard. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into publishing a book, and not all of them make it past the first stage of publication. I have read so many drafts that went nowhere because the author didn’t have a clear idea of what they were doing.
Writing a book can be hard if you don’t know what you are doing. Stream of consciousness isn’t really a genre that people are into, except if you are reading Virginia Wolf for college and need to find your specific lane. So, without further ado, let’s dive further into this blog and learn more about some of our tips for writing a book.
1. Have your own voice
There are many books on the market; what will set you apart is your voice and what you have to contribute. Originality is key here, and you should maintain your individuality in your writing, which will set you apart from other writers.
Of course, you can read widely, especially in the genre you’ve chosen for your book, and you can draw inspiration from other successful books, but you should never forget that your audience doesn’t want a copy of a popular book. It wants your version of a popular genre or trope. What sets you apart is that you write about things you know and set you apart.
Of course, you may have been inspired by Madeline Miller or Alison Cochurn, but remember that it’s your book, not a pseudo-copy of their book or style. Inspiration doesn’t mean you have to copy them; you have to stand out from them so people will want to buy and read your book. The key here is to maintain your unique view of the world.
2. Settling into a routine
This is all well and good, but it can also be a waste of time. You have written several pages, and you are very happy about it. Very proud, even. However, that was yesterday, that was a week ago, that was a month ago, and since then, you’ve had a hard time getting back to it. What you wrote that made you feel so much better now seems perfectly insipid without interest.
Don’t panic; it’s just that you forgot to create a habit. A habit is very practical. You can do things without thinking about them, even the most ungrateful ones. So when you don’t, it’s even better. So, organize yourself to be in front of your work table at a fixed time and with a goal of at least 300 words to put on paper or to make your screen sparkle. Every day, if possible!
3. Create an environment conducive to writing
And then, while you’re at it, why not create a sort of cocoon where you can enjoy taking refuge to tell your story. This can be at home, or it can be outside your home. The important thing is that you feel comfortable there. Safe. With the certainty of not being disturbed. By the way, when you write, put your phone on airplane mode and leave aside the multiple emails that come at you like a bullet.
You’ll have plenty of time to get back to your email routine after your writing. In any case, if you think about it for a moment, no message is so important that it requires an immediate response. Also, not responding right away gives you time to think. You’ve probably found yourself wishing you’d had enough. So take advantage of it.
4. Start writing
This may seem very strange to you. But yes, writing is a bit like swimming or cycling; you don’t have to ask yourself any more questions at a certain point. You have to go for it! You have to sit in front of your screen, or if you are more traditional, in front of a blank page, and draw signs that become words, then paragraphs, and finally, but yes, whole pages.
It’s no more difficult than that. Little by little, your story will take shape, almost by itself. You had no idea what you were going to write the moment before, and yet, look at how well it flows. And above all, don’t censor yourself! Write and think of nothing else. Certainly not the supposed gaze of others. You are not writing an advertising brochure or a manual on how to live…
5. Continue reading
It’s something that may seem paradoxical to you. You tell yourself that writing is hardly compatible with reading. For one thing, it takes time. If you have a busy work life, you’ve already had a hard time setting aside enough time to keep your writing schedule, so you have to read! And then read what?
If you’re writing about your busy life and you enjoy reading Inspector Chen’s investigations, you may not know what universe you live in. At least, that’s what you think. Because, in fact, if you choose to read something related to your theme, you have everything to gain. Especially if the author of the book you are reading is one of your favorite authors and is a best-selling author.
Without you realizing it, you’ll be immersed in their style and make it a bit yours. Let’s be clear. It is not about copying or plagiarizing an author but about being inspired by him. It is not the same thing at all. Try it, and you will understand.
Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about writing a book.