Any day is good for crafting. But the best of all is when you are very, very bored. That is the perfect time to dedicate yourself to all those ideas you have in mind for many months but never have a little time to do them. When that time comes, consider these ideas to make at home. They are perfect during COVID lockdown, when you can’t do anything but stay locked up, and even more so if you have children. We promise they will love these easy crafts, and you will say goodbye to “We’re bored!” Keep reading and find out what I’m talking about.
Change Your Furniture’s Place
Leaving the same furniture in the same place for a long time causes the routine to get heavier and heavier. But to change the design of a room, you need time. And that’s exactly what you have leftover during lockdown! Redefine your living room’s space, dining room, or children’s room, and you’ll see how your home-sweet-home will look like new, just with that simple change. It seems minimal, but the truth is that with a little touch, the improvement becomes excellent, and you can enjoy a renovated house without spending money.
Decorate the Dishes
I particularly don’t have a complete dinnerware collection. My plates, glasses, and cups are all different. If your situation is similar to mine, you should take advantage of this simple idea to decorate with permanent markers and enhance your kitchen’s various designs. Take a marker of the color you want, use many at once, and just let yourself go. Experiment with different forms and shapes for each dish, and you’ll see the boredom disappear as you renovate your kitchen.
Decorate the Light Caps
If you are a DIY fanatic, you’ll surely think that you no longer have things to do or a corner of the house to decorate. Well, here I bring you this original idea to personalize the light covers that you’ll totally love! The easiest way is to do it with washi tapes of different colors. But if you want a more personalized design, you can use plastic paint and create your own drawings. Let your imagination fly, and go ahead and try it!
Make Origami Ornaments
Origami is a very delicate technique with stunning and sophisticated results. But the truth is that doing them is very simple. You only have to follow a couple of steps and then repeat them to make all the molds you want. The good thing about origami is that you can create a lot of different figures for all the rooms of the home, like these origami animals perfect for the children’s room. Or this rose with paper to give to that special person.
Make Picture Frames
In the hours of boredom during the lockdown, there’s nothing better than looking at photographs of childhood. Take advantage of that moment and create a beautiful memory to give to your family. You can customize a photo frame you already have in your home or make it yourself using cardboard and painting them.
Creating coasters is perfect for those pesky days because they are so easy to make that you simply won’t stop. There is a wide range of design, texture, color, and material combinations. You can even use old CDs to craft coasters.
Personalize Your Smartphone
It’s an excellent way to leave boredom behind while creating a custom design for yourself. Imagine having your cell phone the way you like it! With this tutorial to decorate your cell phone, you can do it. Besides, you’ll no longer confuse it with the identical models that the rest of the people have because yours will be unique.
Decorate the Furniture Handles
As I said earlier, everything is allowed in crafts! You can decorate whatever you want, everything can be personalized, and the house is full of things waiting for your ideas, such as furniture handles! I bet you never thought you could make them cute and fun to be a part of your home decor. Well, here is a tutorial on decorating them with this original idea.
Renew Your Clothes
Do you have an old shirt and are you tired of wearing it? Don’t throw it away! It is time for intense renewal. Take advantage of all the garments that you no longer want to wear and renew them with these ideas to dye fabric naturally. You no longer have to get rid of your clothes, just give it a different touch, and you can reuse it for another occasion.
These are just a few ideas of what to do when you are bored and unleash your imagination. Go ahead and try them out! And you, what do you do to eliminate boredom in these moments of confinement? Leave your experience in the comments.